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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Light Satay Chicken Recipe

I love cooking but am always having to watch my waistline as it tends to thicken more than I like in a very short space of time. Every few weeks we go onto low fat recipes and I often add a lot of diabetic cooking whenever possible. This is not classed as a diabetic recipe but when you look at the ingredients in it, I am sure that it would be suitable for diabetics.
I think that it tastes as good as a full fat recipe and you enjoy it knowing that it is healthy for you.

700g chicken mince
1 teaspoon cumin powder
1/2 cup wholemeal breadcrumbs
1 teaspoon corriander powder
white of 1 egg
1 1/2 cups jasmin rice


Combine mince, breadcrumbs, egg white, corriander and cumin together in a large bowl. Shape into small balls and roll in a little flour to stop them sticking.
In a large saucepan, spray with a little olive oil spray and brown the balls on both sides.
Turn heat right down and make up the satay sauce.
Add the sauce to the chicken balls and gently simmer for approx 20 minutes or until cooked.
Serve with steamed jasmin rice and some lovely colourful vegies such as baby carrots and beans.


2 tablespoons light peanut paste ( I use crunchy)
1 tablespoon fish sauce
1 1/2 tablespoons curry paste (I use red but you can use any)
2 1/2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 1/2 - 2 tins light carnation coconut milk

Slowly add the milk to the other ingredients as this is easier to blend them together.

Tropical Rum Punch Recipe

Whenever summer time comes around, I always think of punch when planning a party or barbecue. When my children were small, it always had to be non alcoholic of course but when they grew up I loved to experiment with different drinks to find one that I liked. I still love non alcoholic ones and sometimes just add a little bit of spirits to spice them up. You can always omit the alcohol and add ginger beer to it and it will still taste great.


1 cup fresh orange juice
1 cup pineapple juice
1 cup guava juice
juice of half a lime (can use lemon if prefered)
30ml Cointreau
1 cup Bundaberg rum
pineapple and orange slices to garnish


Mix all ingredients together in a large jug.
Pour over tall glasses of ice and top with fruit to garnish.