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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tartare Sauce Recipe

I came across this in my mums recipe folder and thought I would put it on my site as it is such an easy and quick recipe to make. Mum used to cook a lot of fish when we were growing up as dad had a great boat and used to always be out catching fish. Our favourite was jewfish and then king george whiting which were always available in the indian ocean near our home in the south west of western australia. When using tartare sauce on fish, never use too much as you don't want to overpower the flavour of beautiful fresh fish when cooked.


4 tablespoons good mayonnaise
1 - 1.5 gherkins - finely chopped
approx 10 capers
1/2 teaspoon grated white salad onion or 1 spring onion - finely sliced
little finely chopped fresh parsley
1 teaspoon gherkin juice


Mix all ingredients together in a small jug and serve on the side with freshly cooked fish or seafood.