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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Golden Balls

This is another of my favourite recipes that comes from my mum. Looking back over the years I can remember mum making this for us when I was just a small child, so it has been going strong down through our family for many years. Whenever I decide to make this pudding, I can picture mum, standing over the old wood stove, making this for us and us all standing around wanting to get under her feet to help her.


1 cup SR flour
1 beaten egg
1 large tablespoon butter

Rub the butter into the flour. Mix with the well beaten egg and enough milk to make a soft dough. Roll into small round dumpling about the size of a walnut shell.
1 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon golden syrup
juice of 1 lemon
Mix all these together thoroughly and boil in a large saucepan on top of stove. Drop the dumplings into the boiling syrup and turn over often as they start to swell so they are cooked through. Serve hot with vanilla ice cream or cream. If you want to be really decadent you may serve with both.

Date Crunch Bars

This is another Feature Recipe from my mums church ladies group and it is quite yummy, even if you are not a date lover. After one small bite, you will be going back for more. So easy to make and can be stored in the refigerator for days; if it lasts that long.

125 grams butter
1 1/4 cups brown sugar
250 grams chopped dates
4 cups cornflakes
1/2 cup coconut

Mix butter, sugar and dates together in a large saucepan over a low heat until mixture is soft. Add cornflakes and mix well. Sprinkle 1/4 a cup of the coconut over the base of a swiss roll tin and then press the mixture firmly over this. Sprinkle with remaining 1/4 cup of coconut and set in the refigerator. When cold, cut into fingers and serve.

Hedgehog Cake

This favourite recipe has been adapted to my mothers version and it is so much better than the ones that are available through the supermarket and bakers chains. Whenever it was one of our birthdays, it was always the first thing on the list of things for mum to make for our party. Even as an adult, I still love this recipe.

125 grams butter
125 grams brown sugar
250 grams broken biscuits (I use milk arrowroot)
1 egg
2 large tablespoons cocoa
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
1/2 cup chopped walnuts

Break the biscuits into little pieces in a large bowl. Add chopped nuts. Bring butter and sugar slowly to the boil in a small saucepan and cook gently for a few minutes. After adding the cocoa to this, stir in the beated egg and add to mixture in bowl with vanilla. Press into a shallow slice pan and let set in the refridgerator. Cut into small pieces to serve. For extra chocolate taste, you can spread a very fine chocolate icing over before setting in fridge.
Icing can be made from a tablespoon of butter, melted with a little milk and vanilla essence. Add to this some icing sugar and cocoa to make a smooth fine mixture.

Coconut Lemon Fingers

This was given to me by my sister Mandy who is renowned for her great cooking. It's certainly not on any weight watching list but it certainly tastes yummy and once you have 1 small finger of this slice, you will be reaching for another.

250 gram pkt of plain sweet biscuits (such as milk arrowroot)
1/2 cup coconut
grated rind of 1 lemon
1/2 tin condensed milk
125 grams butter

Crumble biscuits. Add coconut and lemon rind. Melt butter with condensed milk, mixing well. Add to mixture with dry ingredients and stir well. Press firmly into a greased slab tin and chill in refrigerator. Coat top with a thin layer of lemon icing and sprinkle with coconut. Cut into fingers to serve.
For icing, just melt a tablespoon of butter. Add to this some lemon juice and icing sugar to make a thin mixture.